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Codes Setup

Codes Setup

Throughout TSM, system codes are used to categorise jobs, contacts, labour, status and many more for searching and filtering reports in TSM.

Although we have named these codes ourselves, you can use them for whatever purpose that is meaningful to the way you conduct your business.

By selecting the code ID in the list on the left hand side, the list of all corresponding codes set up appear in the Code Text list on the right hand side.

Below the Code Text list is the information pertaining to the selected code. Depending on the Code Type selected, information displayed might differ.

You can view each code for that specific type. System codes can be very valuable if you set them up correctly. Take the time to understand how system codes can be used and design codes to suit your needs.

To access system codes for editing, select Utilities / Codes Setup or right mouse click on any pull-down list anywhere in TSM that references a system code.


The department the Job Card is assigned to

Employee Group

Group of employees (service team) that can be assigned to a Job Card

Employee Type

Identifies different types of employees such as internal, contractor etc. Time Sheet reports can be printed by the type of employee.

Equipment Type

Categorise equipment assets assigned to Maintenance Contracts

Fault Code

Identifies the type of fault that occurred on a job

Incident TypeIndustry

Indentifies Industry type.

Job Code

Identifies the type of job carried out.

Labour Type

The different types of labour such as Standard, Overtime, Travel etc. Labour types also allows you to specify a corresponding default hourly rate and other details.


Identifies the maker of a product serviced or a spare part used in a service.


Additional code assigned to Contract Job.


A customisable field used on Job cards


A customisable field on the Maintenance Card


A customisable field on the Maintenance Card

Payment terms

Identifies and calculates the terms you have agreed for payment of invoices.

Payment Type

Sets up different invoice payment types - Cash, Cheque, Visa, MasterCard etc.

Priority Code

Identifies how urgent a job is. Also allows you to set up response times and escalation warnings and more.

Product Location

Sets up different warehouse/bin locations where your stock is held. Primarily used for multi-location stock control.

Product Sub Type

Used to sub group products together for reporting purposes.

Product Type

Used to group products together for reporting purposes.


Used on job cards

Repair Code

Categorises what you did to repair the fault reported.

Sales Analysis

Used for reporting purposes

Schedule Type

Categorise the type of Scheduled Maintenance job. Also lets you determine the service fee.

Security Group

Set up different security groups for determining access rights to various features in TSM

Service Code

Identifies Service type such as Charge, Warranty, Maintenance etc.

Ship Via

Used on Supplier Invoices

Stage Desc

Standard description for Contract Job stages


Tax rate to automatically assign based on the Billing Contact state (USA only)

Status Code

Defines the current status of a job in terms of time such as Waiting on Parts, Commenced, Completed etc.

Task Type

Identifies the Type of Task requested.

Tax Codes

Configure various tax codes and their corresponding tax rate (%)

Unit of Measure

Used to identify the allocated unit of measurement.

Adding a System Code Entry

Most of the system codes consist of a Code ID and a corresponding Code Text. The Code ID is a short, unique identifier for the code. The Code Text can be longer and is used to more fully describe the Code ID.

To add a new system code:

  • Select The Code Type you want to add.
  • Click on the New button.
  • Enter a unique Code ID for the selected Code Type. The Code ID should be short (maximum 15 characters) and should represent the New code type you want to add.
  • Provide a meaningful description for the code ID.
  • Click Save on the toolbar to save the information or Cancel to discard the change.

A number of System Codes have additional properties that affect the way they are used. These include:

Job Code

The Job Code identifies the type of job being carried out.

Training Courses / Qualifications

TSM allows you to assign various Training Courses and Qualifications as minimum requirements for technicians to work on a job. If entered against any Job Code, any technician assigned to a job via the Job Card, Assignments or Time Sheets will pop up a warning if they do not possess current courses / qualifications matching all entries entered here.

Press the Add button to add a new course / qualification and Delete to remove one no longer required.

Labour Type


The dollar amount that this labour rate is charged out per hour.

Usual Hours

The number hours that are applicable to this labour type. The total hourly rate charged equates to the Rate multiplied by the usual hours (defaults to 1 hour)

This makes it very convenient to charge out the rate other than hourly. For example, you might charge $25 per 15 minutes. In this case you would set that rate to $25 and the Usual Hours to 0.25 (a quarter of an hour).


Mark this labour type as being inactive

Prepaid Time

This labour type is used exclusively for Prepaid support time.

Available productive time

This labour type is to be included in the calculation of Available productive time in the Time Sheet management analysis report.

Force Zero Billable Hours

Whenever this labour type is used, the billable hours must be zero.

Do not print on invoice

This option will ensure that time entries of this type will not appear on the invoice.

Additional Hourly Cost

Additional hourly cost to add to base cost. The cost multiplier is disabled if this is entered.

Add to cost Multiplier

If this is ticked and the Additional Hourly Cost is entered the Employee Cost Multiplier is enabled.

Employee Cost Multiplier

The hourly cost usually associated with a Labour Type is the Employee’s hourly cost. You might like to set the cost to more than the employee’s usual hourly rate under some circumstances. For example, you might pay your employees 50% more per hour for overtime. In this case, set the Employee Cost Multiplier for the Overtime labour type to 1.5

The intention of the labour multiplier is to cater for overtime whereby a higher labour rate is charged for out of hours labour. TSM assumes that the labour rate will be increased by the rate multiplier and the employees cost will increase in line with the labour multiplier. i.e. normal hours labour rate = $60 and normal employee cost is $25, overtime

The rate multiplier will be 1.5 whereby labour rate will be $90 and employee cost will be multiplied by 1.5 to $37.50

Minimum # hours

Set the minimum number of billable hours allowed under this labour type. For example, telephone support might have a minimum 15 minutes, onsite might have a minimum of one hour.


Select the predefined increment to apply to time using this labour type. For example, telephone support might use 5 minute increments, onsite might use half hour increments.

Default Income Acc:

The income account for linking to the accounting package.

Tax Code

Select a tax rate to charge for the Labour Type (if different from the Setup Default).


You can select a colour to assign to this labour type. The time sheet list on job cards will reflect this colour whenever this labour type is used.

Payment Terms

The Payment Terms allow TSM to calculate the due date for invoice payments. There are 2 main types of payment terms supported in TSM:


Date Due calculations are based simply on the number of days selected added to the Invoice date.

Net Due in ??? days

Set the number of days after the invoice date that the invoice is due for payment.

Date Driven

The date due is calculated based on rules regardless of invoice date:

Net Due on the select day of the month(EOM = 31)

Set the day of the month after the invoice date that invoices are due for payment. To force the date to be due on the last day of the month regardless of the number of days in a month, set this value to 31.

For example, set this to 15 for invoices to be due for payment on the 15th of the month. If you invoice on the 10th, the invoice will be due for payment 5 days later. If you invoice on the 20th, the invoice will be due for payment on the 15th of the next month.

Due the next month if issued within selected days of the due date

You can modify the above rule to force the due date to the next month if the invoice date is within a selected number of days of the due date. In the above example, setting this to 7 will force the due date to the 15th of the next month for an invoice on the 10th as this is 5 days from the due date which is within the 7 days selected.

Set this value to 31 to force all invoices to be due on the last day of the following month.

Payment Type

Each cash receipt in TSM must be assigned a payment type.

Detail Type

The Cash Receipts module will ask for different types of information depending on the details type of the Payment Type selected. Detail types include:

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Credit / Store Card
  • Bank Account
  • BPay
  • Other
Card Type

The list of Credit Card types.

Priority Code

The priority code allows the entry of additional information controlling the way TSM calculates response times, escalation calculations and other aspects of a Job Card.

The Priority Codes provides a powerful tool for managing your Service Level Agreements and Maintenance Contract obligations.

The following fields in addition information is available:

Response Time (Minutes)

With each priority code that you create, you can assign a response time to reflect the urgency of that particular priority. The response time is added to the Job Logged Date / Time to calculate the Date / Time that the Job is due to commence.

In calculating the due time, TSM takes into account the working hours in the day. If the calculated time is past the closing time, TSM will restart the time calculations from the start of the next working day.

Leave this blank to disable auto calculation of due time.

For example, if you set up a 4 hour response time (240 minutes) and the logged time is 11:00am then TSM will calculate the due time as 3:00pm the same day. If however working hours are 9:00am - 5:30pm and the current time is 3:00pm then TSM will calculate the due time as 10:30am the next morning. Subsequently, if the logged time is on a Friday and you have not selected Saturday or Sunday as working days then TSM will calculate the due time as 10:30am Monday morning.

Estimated Duration

Sets the Estimated Duration of a Job created under this Priority Code.

Service Fee

Select a default Service Fee to assign to any job created under this Priority Code.

Default Labour Type

Select the default labour type applicable to jobs created with this Priority Code.

Minimum Charge

The minimum job total allowed under this Priority Code.

Office Hours

Define the office hours applicable to job due calculations under this priority code. Leaving this blank will use the default office hours recorded in the Job Cards 2 Setup.

Work on Saturday / Sunday

The Saturday and Sunday options allow you to override the default working status of Saturdays and Sundays for this priority. Time due calculations take into account the weekends.

Work on Saturday / Sunday

The Saturday and Sunday options allow you to override the default working status of Saturdays and Sundays for this priority. Time due calculations take into account the weekends.

Charge Parts / Labour

Decide whether you will charge for parts under this Priority Code. If you unselect this, any parts added to a Job Card with this Priority code will default the sell price to zero. This is very useful where you have Maintenance Contracts that you pay an annual fee for where all parts and labour are covered by the fee and not charged for.

Ignore minimum charge

You can set up a minimum job charge in the TSM Setup. Set this option to ignore the minimum charge on jobs created with this Priority Code.

Ignore Service Fee

If selected, the job Service Fee will be set to zero.

Escalation Warning 1st/2nd/Final

Allows you to override the default escalation times for jobs with this Priority Code. Thus, if most of your jobs have an escalation warning time of 5 hours for warning 1, 3 hours for warning 2 and 1 hour for the Final Warning 3 then you would set this up in Job Card Setup 2. However you could override this for this priority code with an escalation of say 1 hour for Warning 1, 30 minutes for Warning 2 and 15 minutes for the Final Warning

Product Type

There may be times where you have an agreement with a supplier, in which they are the main providers of a particular product for your company. With this close business tie there might be possibilities of discounts for certain types of products. TSM permits you to encapsulate these discounts with the Product Type code.

The steps to add discounts to selected product types are very simple:

Click on Product Type in the list on the left.

Select the particular product code in the list on the right for which you want to apply the discount.

Press under the Discount Rates heading to add a discount to that product code. The Supplier field in the table will be highlighted with a drop-down list box.

From the dropdown list, choose a supplier to which the discount on the product type will apply.

Under the Discount field, enter the discount quantity (percentage) that applies to the product under the selected supplier.

You have now recorded a discount that affects a product type given by a supplier. Moreover, you can add more than one discount for a product. Why would you want to do this? Well, you may have a number of suppliers that you purchase a particular product from and you will want to know who is offering the best prices. For each discount given by a supplier of that product, just add an entry for it, picking the appropriate supplier and discount rate. If these discount rates change at any time, you can easily edit the discount field. If a discount no longer applies, just remove the record with . With these defined discounts, any purchases of products with this Product Type and supplied by a supplier setup for discounts, will automatically apply the discount rate to the normal purchase cost for TSM Purchase Order purchases.

Job Equipment Service Code

The default Service Code to use on equipment added to jobs where the equipment Product Type matches this code.

Sales Tax Codes

Sales Tax Codes are additional tax codes used for international users of TSM (usually from the USA). Tax Codes can be defined as Taxable or Non-Taxable.

Schedule Type

The Schedule Type enables you to define a rate for selected Schedule Maintenance Types. This makes it easy for you to set scheduled job fees for a range of schedules and change the fee across the board by changing it on the Schedule Type.


The Schedule’s description.

Period / Period Type

Select the period and period type from Days, Weeks, Months, and Years eg the selected schedule might be performed every 3 months.


The department code for this Schedule type.


Includes the schedule description in the Service Requested of the job cards generated for schedules of this type.

Service Fee Part number

Optionally selecting a part number here will automatically add that part to any job created from Scheduled Maintenance. Any schedule service charge will assign to the part sell price, and add to the Job Total.

Use this to control special job service fees as a part on the job. The benefit of using a part to determine the service fee is that you can control the general ledger account that is updated for the service fee.


The quantity of the service fee part.

Schedule Rates

You can also enter a rate in the Schedule Rates table. This enables you to set a date range between which the rate is valid. Any rate you enter here will override any sell price assigned to the Service Fee Part number. You can use the Schedule Rates table to pre-plan and enter future rate increases.

Service Code

Minimum Margin %

The minimum margin to apply to Jobs this Service Code is assigned to.

Status Code


Each Status Code can be assigned a unique colour used in the Job Centre and Visual Assignment Scheduler to provide visual feedback of job status.

The colours are used to set the background colour of assignments in the Visual Assignment Scheduler and the background colour of each row in the Job Centre.

Tax Codes

TSM uses a system of tax codes to determine what rate of tax to charge for invoices.


Each tax code can have a different rate. Set the rate to zero to make the invoice tax free.


TSM will fill the notes with information from the Accounting System the Tax Code was imported from (If linked to an Accounting System).