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The Scripts popup allows you to predefine paragraphs of text for the purpose of automatically filling in TSM memo fields such as Service Requested, Work Performed etc. It can also be used to set up email templates with dynamic content if needed. The email templates work only if the TSM Email client is switched on in Miscelaneous Setup.

You can enter commonly used job descriptions, check lists or any manner of scripts.

Scrips List

The list of scripts available is located on the left of the module. Click here to select the desired script.

Script Name

The selected script's name will appear at the bottom of the scripts list.

Scripts list filter

This is a dropdown located underneath the Script name. There are 4 options available:

Name Description
Show All Displays everything in the list.
Email templates only Displays only the email templates. This list will be available when selecting “Print to Email” anywhere in TSM, as well as when pressing any Email button.
Scripts only Displays only the scripts marked as “Script”.
PDA scripts only Displays only scripts that sync to the PDA.

The script list filter can be used to manage long lists of scripts.

Ignore Inactive

Hides inactive scripts from the list.

The Editor panel

The script editor panel functions in two modes: plain text (which allows you to enter HTML and TSM code) and WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). In WYSIWYG mode a number of editor icons appear at the top of the screen. Their functionality is as follows:

Icon Description
Toggles between plain text and visual modes. The rest of the options will disappear when switched to text-only as they are designed to insert HTML tags.
Prints the template/script as it would appear in the screen or in the body of an email
Copies the selected object or highlighted text to the clipboard.
Deletes the selected object or text.
Pastes from the clipboard.
Left justify the selected text.
Center the selected text.
Right justify the selected text.
Bold text.
Italic text.
Underline text.
Strikethrough text.
Right indent.
Left indent.
Text colour.
Spell checker.
Undo change.
Undo the undo action.
Insert a URL link.
Insert an image.
Insert an image from remote server.
Insert a numbered list item.
Insert a bullet list item.
Insert a table.
Insert a horisontal line.

For example: inserting bold text will wrap the selected text with <b> </b> tags.

Including TSM fields inside « » will pull data from the TSM database. For instance an invoice email template can have «invoices.invnumber» display te invoice number in the body of the email.

Note: This only works with TSM email. EMail templates will no populate into Outlook.

Template Subject

If this is an email template, the text in this field will appear in the subject.

From Email Address

If specified, this will overwrite the default or user email. This can be useful to direct replies to a particular template to a particular inbox on your mail server, such as for instance a newsletter template to redirect replies to [email protected].

Template attachments

Place the full path and filename of any attachments you wish to be sent out with this template.


Deactivates the template. It is no longer available for selection when emailing, but is not deleted from the scripts module.

Don't Save Body Text

Does not save body text. Useful when the email template is used in a bulk mail-out in order to conserve disk space.

Plain Text / HTML

Indicates if the system should treat the body of the script as plain text or as HTML code.


Select Keyboard to post the script directly into the keyboard as if you typed the script yourself. You will need to click into the Memo field to have the text appear.

To keyboard a script directly into a memo field, place the cursor at the point where you want the script to be entered in the memo field and press ALT-F5 to popup the Scripts screen. Select the script you want to enter and press the Keyboard button. Click back into the memo field and the script text will be entered into the memo field.

Strip CR/LF

Use the Strip CR/LF option to strip out all carriage returns and line feeds from the script text.


Use the Clipboard option to copy the script to the Windows Clipboard so that you can paste it wherever you want.

Use the Email Template option to tag the script as an email script. It will appear in the scrips dropdown on the TSM email form, to be used for quickly sending standardised email.

Note: Not all fields will react to the Keyboard option.

New, Save, Delete, Cancel

Press the New button to add a new script. Each script has a script name and script text. These buttons function in the same way as elsewhere in TSM.