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Backing up TSM

Backing up TSM

Backing Up Information

Your TSM database is a vital part of running your business successfully. That’s why it is important that you always backup your database on a regular basis. What will happen to your business if your computer fails and you lose all your valuable information? Does that mean you have lost everything about your contacts and all the information that you need to run a successful business.

It is important to backup the information entered into TSM. Backing up your information will ensure that you never lose vital data about your contacts. Sometimes things do go wrong and you need to recover your TSM data. This is why you should backup your TSM data regularly.

How often should you backup?

How often you backup is up to you and varies for each business. If you are using TSM on a daily bases and you cannot lose a days information then it is suggested you back up your information daily. On the other hand, if you’re not a heavy user of TSM then you might want to backup weekly. As a general rule, you should back up as often as you can afford to re-enter the information lost since the last backup.

What should you backup to?

Where you backup your TSM data is just as important as how often you backup. If backing up is difficult, then it is a good idea to backup your TSM data to another directory on your computer or another computer in the office. However, there is no point in backing up your TSM data to a directory on your computer if the computer gets stolen. You might as well not backup at all.

It is important that you backup your TSM information to an external device such as a floppy disk, ZIP drive or a tape backup system. It is also important that you take a regular backup offsite. Insurance pays for your burnt out office but won’t replace your burnt up backup disks so keep it offsite and you’ll be alright!.

Another important point to know is that you should have more than one disk to backup onto. Let’s say that you religiously backup your TSM data onto the same disk each day. Disaster occurs and you need to restore from your disk. No what if your computer won’t read the disk for some reason – You’re in trouble. As such, we recommend that you use at least 5 different backup disks / tapes, one for each day of the week. You should also keep one set for the last day of the month and perhaps one for the end of the financial year.

How do you backup?

Before you backup your TSM information, decide where you want to backup your TSM data to. Press button to browse for a folder to backup your TSM data to. If you do not specify a directory to save your data to, TSM will automatically choose the TSM directory that the program is run from as the default location to backup to.

Hint: You should create a directory to hold your backups. If possible, this directory should be on another computer than the one that TSM is stored on. This should protect you in the event of a file server failure.

Hint: Even though your system administrator might make regular network backups, you should consider doing your own TSM backups as a precaution.

The backup files are always backed to a zip file. Zip files are industry standard files that store compressed information so that the backup takes up a lot less space on you computer than the information it holds.

There are two types of TSM backup files to choose from TSMBACK.ZIP or Dated Backups .

  • TSMBACK.ZIP - Backup all your TSM information to the one zip file. Each time you backup, you are overwriting the old file with the new one. Thus, you will only ever be able to restore from the last backup performed.
  • Dated Backups - Creates a ZIP file with the name being the date you backed up your information. For every backup it will create a new zip file. The Dated Backup displays the zip file in the year, month, and day format for example 29th August, 2001. If more than one dated backup is made on a day, TSM will add a counter to the end of the file name to ensure that it is unique. Selecting dated backups uses more disk space but is a much safer way of backing up TSM information.

If you want to include TSM reports & labels in your backup then check the Include reports & labels option. Use this where you have customised any of the TSM reports and wish them to be backed up as well.

Click the Backup button to begin the backup process.

Restoring Information

If anything should go wrong with your TSM data, you can always restore your TSM information as long as you have previously made a TSM backup.

Note: Any information entered into TSM since you made the backup will be lost.

Click on the Backup/Restore button on the TSM Setup tool bar.

Press the … button to select the backup file you wish to restore from. Once you have located the backup file click the Restore button to commence restoring your TSM information.

Note: You must be the only person in TSM before you can restore TSM information.

To continue with the restore, click the “Yes” button or press “No” if you have changed your mind..

TSM will now restore your backup files. Once it has completed restoring your data, TSM will automatically reindex your data files and then the following message will appear;

Click on the “OK” button and TSM will be shut down. Restart TSM and TSM will perform some housekeeping activity and then you will find that all your information has been restored.