TSM Wiki

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar on the bottom of any form provides shortcut actions relevant to the form being displayed. The Job Centre provides three menus which include Application, Job and Sync.

The Application Drop Down Menu

About TSM Remote

This will bring you to a table which shows the currently logged in user and the current version of TSM Remote that you are using.

View All Assignments

Shows a list of all assignments, The Job number, Employee, Time/Date, and Completed Date.

Update Application

Will update you to the latest version of TSM Remote if an update is available.

Log Out

Will log out the currently logged in users and return you to the Login in Screen. Exit: This will close the TSM Remote application down entirely.

The Job Drop Down Menu


Selecting this will give you an option for either creating a new job or a new quote.


Opens the currently selected job.


Accepts a job and changes the Job Status to the assigned status.


Changes the Job Status to the Rejected Status.


Delete the selected job card. You can only delete jobs that have a temporary job number. Quick Time

The Sync Drop Down Menu

The Sync Menu contains the options Go Online and Sync: All, Jobs and Support Files.


Select this option whenever you want to retrieve information or send changed information that includes TSM remote users, products, contacts and jobs from and to TSM.


Syncs Jobs only

Support Files

Syncs Support Files only

Going Online

TSM Remote Users have the ability to Go Online. Going online allows TSM Remote to sync with TSM.

Steps to Go Online with TSM Remote

  1. Select the drop down menu Sync. The menu will drop down.
  2. Press the option “Go Online”. TSM Remote will appear with a loading screen. When the PDA is online the option Go Online will be greyed and The Syncing options All, Jobs and Support Files will be available.

Syncing All, Jobs and Support Files

Syncing TSM updates the TSM directory with information updated in TSM. To Sync TSM Remote the TSM Remote User must be online. When TSM Remote is synced the jobs with a default job number {x} will be assigned a job number and the current date.

Steps to Sync TSM Remote
  1. Select the drop down menu Sync. The menu will drop down.
  2. Press either option “All”, “Jobs” and “Support Files”. TSM Remote will sync with TSM.

John accessed the Sync Menu and Synced TSM Remote the data he had updated in TSM loaded into TSM Remote.