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File Types

File Types

The TSM directory contains files with the following extensions:


The main TSM data file. There is one for each table in TSM (e.g. servcard.dbf for job card records).


Linked to the DBF file of the same name. Contains the memo file (free text) data for each record. Note: Any DBF or FPT file starting with Z is a temporary file and can be deleted if not in use.


The index file for each table. Indexes are used to sort and access records, and can become corrupt over time. Use the reindex option to delete and recreate these files.


These hold the data required for Fast text search of TSM records. Reindexing with the Fast Text Search option enabled will delete and recreate these files.


Each TSM report consists of a FRT and FRX file. Reports with a number before the extension are customised reports (e.g. SERVN1.FRT), while those without are original TSM reports. LBX and LBT are label equivalents of these files.


Backups created by TSM are compressed into a zip format file. Automatic backups are called checkstru*.zip and are done whenever updating or reindexing TSM.


TSM Program files. TSM.exe is main program file, and must not be in use when upgrading TSM.


TSM program component files. These files must be registered successfully (by pressing Alt+F8 in TSM) for TSM to function. The TSM.dll file is used by the Accounting Post, Self Service, TSM Live, and TSM Remote.


Like DLLs these are TSM program component files and must be registered successfully for TSM to function.


These are Foxpro addons used by TSM to add functionality.


The unins000.DAT file is used to store uninstall information for the uninstaller.