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Logging into TSM Remote

Logging into TSM Remote

TSM Remote Login screen allows users to login to the TSM Remote application provided that they have been selected into TSM as a TSM Remote User.

After the first login, you can see the “Go Online” tick box. You can access to offline mode by un-ticking the check box.

Server URL

You need a valid TSM Remote server URL to connect the tablet to TSM.

The TSM Remote Server URL can be entered under Setting on the screen, the Server URL is case sensitive

Below this you can see the minimum server version that this TSM Remote client supports and your current TSM Remote server version number. The current TSM Remote server version will display Undefined until you actually connect to the server.


  • From time to time, new features in the TSM Remote client will require an update to TSM Remote server. The version numbers keep you informed as to what the minimum server version is required to support this version of the TSM Remote client.
  • TSM Remote cannot connect and communicate / sync data from the TSM Server without a server URL

Job List

The TSM Remote Job List is the first screen you will see after logging in.

The Job List displays all jobs matching the selected filter criteria. You can sort the job list by clicking on any column header.

You can select a job by scrolling in the list and clicking on the job you want (long click on Android / iPad or double click on Android), selecting a job and pressing the View button or by entering the job # into the job search field at the top of the screen.

The job list has a number of options:

Filter By: Filter the jobs in the job list by various criteria

  • Job Type (Open, Unaccepted etc)
  • Date range to view
  • Who’s jobs (Supervisors only)
  • Selected date - by selecting the calendar icon, you can select a day to view the jobs.

Job Window : Screen Layout

The jobs window displays all the information contained in the job card. The window has 4 main sections.

  • Report printing (Online only)
    • Select report file
    • Print to HTML (Browser)
    • Print to PDF

Note: Although TSM Remote does not include any direct emailing facility, you should be able to print to HTML or PDF and then use the email capability of the PDF viewer or browser application.

  • List
    • Return to job List view.
  • Refresh
    • Refresh the screen.

Section Tab

The section tabs runs vertically along the side of the detail screen and allows you to select from one of the 3 main sections:

  • Job - Job logging information
  • Job Details - Details of what was done on the job
  • Job Completion -Job financial and close off information

Detail Tab

Detail tabs run along the top of the job and allow you to select the particular job information you want to view or update.

Detail Screen

The detail screen displays the information for the selected detail tab. These screens may also include different views depending on what you are doing.