TSM Wiki

Assignment List and Task List

Assignment List and Task List

Assignment List

To view the Assignments List, Select Assignments from the module selector in the top right corner of the main TSM Remote screen.

You will see a list of all you the logged in users assignments. If the logged in user is a supervisor, you will also be able to see assignments for members of the user’s supervisor group.

There are a number of filters you can choose from including:

Today’s Only

Only include assignments for today

Incomplete Only

Only includes assignments which are marked incomplete or are linked to an incomplete job.

Note: If you are a supervisor, you can also select a particular employee to view or view all employees’ assignments.

Task List

To view the Task List, Select Tasks from the module selector in the top right corner of the main TSM Remote screen.

You will see a list of all you the logged in users tasks. If the logged in user is a supervisor, you will also be able to see tasks for members of the users’ supervisor group.

There are a number of filters you can choose from including:

Today’s Only

Only include tasks for today

Incomplete Only

Only includes tasks which are marked incomplete or are linked to an incomplete job.

Note: If you are a supervisor, you can also select a particular employee to view or view all employees’ tasks.