TSM Wiki

Hide financial summary / part price / labour rate in TSM Remote

Hide financial summary / part price / labour rate in TSM Remote

Hide financial summary in TSM Remote

By default, financial information will be displayed on TSM Remote as follow:

You can make this financial information table invisible to some users’ group based on the business rule.

Open TSM and assign a user in a group, for example: TECH

Note: Financial information cannot be hidden to the users in SPV group

Open and login TSM, Click Utilities, Security

Select the user group which you need to set the financial detail invisible

Uncheck View sensitive financial information and Exit

Financial information will be invisible after you login back to TSM Remote

Hide part price / labour rate in TSM Remote

By default, part price and labour rate will be displayed on TSM Remote as follow:

You can also make these price details invisible to some users’ group based on the business rule.

Open TSM and assign a user in a group, for example: TECH

Note: Price details cannot be hidden to the users in SPV group

Similar to hiding financial information on tablet, a user has to be assigned to a group.

After that, open and login TSM, Click Utilities, Security

Select the user group which you need to set the price details invisible

Uncheck Show Prices(Remote) and Exit

After login back to TSM Remote, the part price and labour rate will become invisible to this user / group.