TSM Wiki

Work Performed

Work Performed

The Work Performed screen is for the input of work performed on a job. The Commenced date and time is set when the “Commenced” box is ticked or a job timer started.

Append mode

In cases where multiple people can update a job work performed, it is not advisable to give them the full Work Performed to edit. This is because someone else might have updated the work performed just before you did and any changes you make will then overwrite the other person’s changes and you risk losing information.

Append mode allows you to only add to the end of the Work Performed, not change what is already there. The work performed screen will appear as a blank box.

In this situation, there is an All Work checkbox that you can tick to read the entire work performed, but you will not be able to change the work performed.

Append mode can be set up under TSM Remote configuration page.