TSM Wiki



The job completion window is where you can update the job financial details and also complete the job.

If your TSM Remote configuration allows invoice details to display, you will see the financial breakdown of the job with the ability to edit this information.

As you can see by the two bellow images the above has the “Hide Invoices Details” Off and the other one on allowing the employee to view financial information on the job. This option also enables the ability to view the Payment Tab.

In order to complete the job, press the Complete button. TSM will ask you to confirm that you wish to complete this job and if you confirm, the job will be completed.

Note: There are 2 modes of completing a job in TSM Remote.

- Full completion

The completed date will be set on the job and the job status will change to the job completed status

- Status completion

The job status code will be set to the job completion status but the job completion date will not be set. This mode is useful when you want the technicians to mar the job as completed but not actually complete it, allowing your TSM BackOffice staff the ability to check the job before it is actually completed.

Edit Grid button is used to edit the job financial details.

You can edit the service fee and the delivery fee.

Additionally, by ticking the appropriate Override checkbox, you can also enter quoted parts and labour totals.