TSM Wiki

Cannot create ActiveX component

Cannot create ActiveX component

Incident Description

Receiving errors about Active X error while logging in TSM Remote or TSM Remote configuration page

Error message : Cannot create ActiveX component.

Resolution 1

  1. In TSM click “Help” → “About TSM” then click the ”Program Information” tab.
  2. Make a note of the “Program File Directory”.
  3. Click the Start menu and select Run.
  4. In the Run dialogue enter regsvr32 and the full program directory taken from the program information page,put the tsm.dll at the end. For exmaple, the TSM copy is under C:\apps\tsm in this guide, the commend is: regsvr32 c:\apps\tsm\tsm.dll
  5. Press Enter and the DLL file will be registered

Resolution 2

  1. Start TSM on the server (ensuring you right-click and select ‘Run as Administrator’)
  2. Log in TSM then press Alt + F8.
  3. Click OK on all the dialogues which pop up.