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Job Logging
Job Logging
The Job Logging tab of the Jobs module allows the recording of the Job's details. To save on data entry, many of these details can be automatically populated based on the defaults defined for the Customer the Job is raised for.
Jobs with an Employee, Due Date, and Estimated Duration defined on this tab will have an Assignment automatically created (if the Linked Primary Assignment option is enabled in Setup). This allows a technician to be booked on the job without additional administrative work required. The Due Date and Estimated Duration can also be defaulted using a Priority Code on the Job, further automating the process.
Setting a Service Code allows a Minimum Margin percentage to be defined, which will cause TSM to prompt upon completion of the Job when the Price to charge the customer is not sufficiently higher than the Costs incurred. Current Cost and Price for the Job can be viewed on the Job Finance Summary tab.
Setting the Location, Labour Type, Hourly Timesheet Rate, Tax Code, and Payment Type will default the relevant fields when raising Time Sheets, Parts Used, Fees, and Expenses on the Job. Setting a primary Employee will also default Assignments and Timesheets to this Employee.
Toggling the Amounts Include Tax checkbox will set whether Rates and Prices on Timesheets, Parts Used, Fees, and Expenses are entered inclusive or exclusive of the Tax (which is calculated from the current Tax Code's Rate).
The Hourly Timesheet Rate option determines how Labour will be charged on the Job. Timesheets raised with the Standard Rates option will use the Labour Type's rate, Flat Hourly sets a fixed rate regardless of Employee or Labour Type, while Markup % Employee Cost calculates the rate from each Employee's Base Cost.
The Service Requested, Work Performed, and Notes fields are where detailed information regarding the work on the Job can be added.