Table of Contents
The Finance tab of the Jobs module is where financial side of the Job is handled. A Summary of all Costs and Prices to charge are displayed, and new and existing Invoices and Payments against the Job are handled.
Job Finance Summary
The Job Finance Summary displays Cost and Price totals from each of the current Job's Items, as well as whole Job Totals and Profit, and a breakdown of all Tax applied.
The Costs on Parts Used and Expenses are taken from the Quantity multiplied by the Cost per unit (which can be manually set or taken from the default Cost specified in the Inventory module record for the appropriate Product). The Cost for Labour is determined by the Hours Worked on each Time Sheet multiplied by the Employee's Hourly Cost, and modified by the Overhead, Hourly Allowance, and the Labour Type's Employee Cost multiplier and Additional Hourly Cost.
The Price to Invoice Parts, Fees, and Expenses, is determined by the Price per Unit multiplied by the Quantity. Each Unit Price can be manually entered, calculated as a markup from the Cost, or defaulted to the Customer's Price Level set on the particular Product record. The amount to charge for labour comes the Billable Hours on each Time Sheet, multiplied by the Rate (which comes from the Labour Type, a Markup on the Employee's Cost, or a fixed rate depending on the option in Job Logging).
The top Billable checkbox is used to flag whether Invoices can be raised for the Job. The Print checkboxes determine whether the specific records are displayed when Printing the default Job Card and Invoice.
Tick the Round Total checkbox to round the Job's Total to the amount specified in Setup (usually 5 cents).
The Enforce Minimum charge option will check the Job Total has reached a certain amount (defined in Setup). If it is below this amount, a Fee will be automatically added for the difference.
The Tax Breakdown table will list all Tax Codes used on the Job, and their totals. This is particularly useful when nested Tax Code/Rates are utilised (e.g. State and Federal tax levels).
The Invoices tab displays all Invoices raised for the current Job.
Clicking the + button will create a new Invoice. By default, all uninvoiced Timesheets, Parts, Fees, and Expenses will be added to the Invoice. This can be done througout the life of the Job, allowing a single Job to be charged out on multiple Invoices. In TSM Pro and Enterprise, this functionality is extended to allow adding of the Job's details to an existing Invoice, (meaning a single Invoice can have the details from multiple Jobs).
Once an Invoice is generated, click the Eye icon to open the record in the Invoice Module.
In TSM Pro or Enterprise, selecting either a new or existing Invoice will open the Invoice Job dialogue, which allows picking of specific Timesheets and Parts (which includes Fees and Expenses) from the Job to add to the Invoice. Use the Arrow buttons to populate the Parts and Timesheets to Invoice tables, and click the Invoice button to continue. The Invoices module will open, populated with the selected details. Make any additions and changes required then click the Save button to create or add to the Invoice.