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Customer Detail

Customer Detail

[The Detail tab of the Customer Module Screen]

The Detail tab of the Customer module details the currently selected card.


Fields on this tab are used to define the default settings and information used when raising new Jobs for the specific customer.

The Account Status field can be used to warn or prevent new Jobs being created (if for example the Customer is overdue on a payment), and will appear on each job for the customer. The Status codes available are defined in Codes Setup.

The Credit Limit field sets a maximum amount the Customer can be invoiced for. Raising further Invoices once the credit limit has been reached will pop up a warning.

The Product Price Code is used to set which Pricing level is used adding the Product to a Job or Invoice.

Use the Default Service Fee to automatically add a Fee to each new Job raised for the Customer. If an amount isn't specified, the Fee's charge will come from the Product Price level.


Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, and Contacts in addition to the primary records set on the Summary tab are added here in the appropriate tabs.


The documents tab lists the set of documents recorded against each customer. These can be additional photos, notes, specifications, or historical usage and billing documentation.

Click the Add button to attach a new document to the current customer. The file location of the document can either be manually entered, or you can click the Browse button to locate the file using a Browse dialogue.

Click the Launch button to open the selected document. The program used is the default application set in the operating system.

Check the 'Store the Document in the database' box to upload the the file into TSM database. If this is not enabled, only the link to the document is stored. If only using a link, you will need to ensure the file location is available to all clients accessing the database.


All sites the Customer has are recorded here. Click the Add button to bring up a Search screen and select the desired Site (Customer record with the Site check-box ticked) to add. The Site with the Default check-box ticked will be the site automatically added to Jobs raised for this Customer.


Each Customer record in TSM can have a default Employee assigned, which automatically sets the Employee on any Jobs raised for the Customer. Additional Employees can be recorded against the Customer for reporting purposes.