Data within TSM can be rendered to screen, file, or printed to a hard copy using the various report functions within TSM.
From any grid or module List View, a summary report listing the current set of columns and records can be printed by bringing up the Grid customisation menu (by right-clicking on the grid title) and selecting the Print option.
The columns which appear on the report are set in the Grid customisation menu under Configure→ Edit Configuration, and using the arrow buttons to add and remove column names from the appropriate lists. The fields which the report groups and totals are set on the Print Settings tab of Edit Configuration.
While Printing from modules will render information from the current record or current grid list, there may be a need to create reports for a more complex set of records. To use the Report Criteria screen, select the module to report from using the Report Type dropdown in the top left. Setting the level of detail will populate the left hand side of the screen with all existing saved criteria for the specified module and LoD. The Level of Detail is used to determine the depth of the underlying structure of the report.
To create a new set of report criteria, select a Level of Detail and File name in the Report details section (the available reports are defined in the Reports Design Screen), and add fields to sort the report by selecting the appropriate dropdown and clicking the + button. Filters can then be added to the Report Filters section by selecting a field from the Field Name dropdown, choosing an operator such a 'equal to', then entering the value to filter on and clicking the Insert Filter (Plus) button. Multiple filters can be sorted using the Up and Down Arrow buttons on the right of the filters list, and grouped logically using the Left and Right Arrows to set grouping levels and the And/Or dropdown.
The fields which appear in the Field Name and Sort By dropdowns can be set by right-clicking on the Field Name dropdown and selecting Report Filter Maintenance.
To Save the current set of Criteria, click the Save button and enter a name to identify the criteria, and toggle to chose whether the criteria is to be publicity available to all users, or made private for the current user.
The Reports which are available when hitting the Print button in the Toolbar of any module are managed in the Reports Design screen. You can choose which reports to display be selecting the appropriate Module and Level of Detail from the top dropdowns. To customise an existing TSM report, select the report in the list and click the Copy button in the Toolbar, then click the Launch button to open the report in the iReport designer.
See the offical iReport Website for information on using iReport.
Once you have closed iReport, enter a name and click the Save button on the Criteria to commit the new report to the database.