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Log In

Log In

  • Enter Client ID and Password. Both are not case sensitive.
  • For initial or first time log in, TSM Self Service will ask to reset password. Suggest to limit number of characters to 8.
  • The new save password will auto update TSM Customer setting.


All information and details depends on business and work process. It's the TSM Customer responsibility to orient their Contact or Client about their naming convention, codes and process.

Once inside TSM Self Service, initial window will be in Job Search.

    • Contact or Client may only view jobs assign to them or their sites.
    • They may search existing job or jobs based on date range, job number, client order number, site ID, Contact or phone.
    • “Text Search on Problem” is referring to service requested details. Client may search by key word/s.
    • Faster search use “Incomplete Jobs Only?” Or empty all fields and simply click “Search” to search all log jobs.
    • You may click the arrow button to minimized or expand show search window.
    • Click on the Job Number to open a job.

  • JOB
    • Job Information, details of the job.
    • Contact or Client details refers to “Company ID”, “Company”, “Contact”, “Phone” and “Email”.
    • “Site ID”,“Site Address” and “Site Contact” identify where the job is requested and contact person.
    • “Logged by” name refers to the contact person who created the job in TSM Self Service.
    • “Priority”, “Service Requested” and “Job Type” maybe define by contact during job creation. TSM Customer are allowed to modify or update these fields.
    • TSM Customer details are also available. Such us assign “Employee”, “Start Date”, “Completed” date, “Biller” details and “Service Code”. “Worked Performed” refer to job notes written by the assign employee.
    • “Status Code” is the job status. Status update depends on job activity or process.
    • “Add notes to service request”, allows contact to append service notes. Just click to open a small window on the side and write necessary notes. Click Save and it will be added as another line item (date/time and notes) to “Service Requested”. This is the only field a Contact or Client are allowed to update for any existing open status job.

  • Below example a complete job. Inside Job Information the “Completed” field will have the date of the job completion and “Total Job Value Ex GST” will be updated.
  • Contacts may view details of Equipment Worked On, Time Entries, Material Used and Documents.
  • Equipment Worked On are parts, tools, materials or products define by the business as an equipment.
  • Time Entries shows the labour time details such as date, employee, comments, billed hours, rate and total.
  • Materials Used can be parts or materials define by the business as products.
  • Documents, this is where all job documents for Contact or Client viewing.

    • Contact or Client may raise a new job using TSM Self Service.
    • Inside TSM Self Service, click on NEW JOB“” to create a new job. * “Customer Details” are contact details and are lock for editing.
    • “Site Details” are information where the job need to commence.
      • Default site shown is based on log in contact. For those contact with multiple sites, use drop down arrow to select and click “Get This Site's Details”.
      • If you wish to create a new site, click on “Clear Site Details” and fill-up all the fields with information. Once done, click on “Add New Site Details”. This will be updated in TSM as a new Contact Maintenance as “Site Customer”.
    • Add new job details by completing fields below “Please complete all details below to submit your request for a new service job.”
    • Hit Submit, new job number will be created and send job request to vendor or TSM Customer.


  • Equipment can be any parts, tools, materials or products as define by the business in the MAINTENANCE CARD.
  • Contacts or Clients may 1) view equipment details with all the jobs logged against it and 2) Create a new job for a chosen equipment.
  • To view equipment assign to a site, go to EQUIPMENT LIST
    • “Select Site to Display Equipment for:” using the drop down arrow to select the site of the customer
    • Type in the “Productid” and hit Search to search for certain equipment, or just search empty productid to display all equipment
    • Equipment information includes “Product ID”,“Description”,“Serial”,“Asset#“,“Model”,“Location”,“Qty”,“Installed” and “Warranty Expiry”. You may check with your TSM Customer the exact definition of each items.


This is the Contact or Client job site details. Click on to SITE MANAGEMENT to open.

  • Site ID is Contact site reference. This field is lock for editing.
  • Update other details if necessary and click “Submit changes” to update TSM Customer back office Contact Maintenance card.